The Journey to Preside Begins with a Call

Every journey begins with a call. Just like the heroes of the Bible, we are always being called to something more. We can hope and dream about where we are going, but until we make a decision to answer ‘yes’ to the call, we cannot move forward. Even if we don’t know every step, we can say yes. Saying yes, does not mean that everyone will understand our journey, nor does it mean that we have everything figured out. The ‘yes’ is to the One who calls. When we put our faith in God, we can step out and enjoy the journey.

I had the honor of serving as a judge for ten years. In 2020, I heard the call for something more. I didn’t know exactly what I would be doing, but I knew that my season on the bench was over. I can tell you that not everyone understood this call. Why would I leave such a prestigious career for an uncertain future? I couldn’t explain it, but I knew I had to begin this journey. This was not an easy ‘yes’—I had to count the costs and prepare.

It has been uncertain, but exciting every step of the way.  Since stepping down in 2023, I have become an Amazon best-selling author, delivered two global TEDx Talks, and I have been married for six months! I’ve grown and experienced things I never could have in my role as a judge. I’ve come to know God as a Provider, because He has met all of my needs in unexpected ways. I’ve learned that it’s not the destination, but who I am becoming on this journey.

Presiding Action

If you know you have been called to more, lean in to the One who has called you. You don’t have to have every step figured out and you don’t have to be hasty, but you do have to say yes. Once you do, I promise God will provide everything you need, when you need it. What can you do today to research and prepare for your next journey?