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Adapt to New Environments

Last week we found Joseph in a pit. His brothers did not know his value, so they sold him into slavery to the Ishmaelites for a slave’s wage of 20 shekels of silver. Because of his commitment to excellence, Joseph…

Purpose in the Prison

Last week Joseph was thriving in Potiphar’s house. He had been a good Steward in a bad situation and was rewarded by being elevated to serve Potiphar and his wife in their home. It was clear that God was still…

The Pit Leads to a Path

Last week, we saw that Joseph’s brothers took his coat of many colors and threw him into a pit. They meant it as a punishment for Joseph’s daring to dream so big. What they didn’t know was that the pit…

The Coat of Many Colors

Before Joseph’s brothers threw him in the pit, they took the coat that his father gave to him. Joseph was Jacob’s 11th son, but he was favored because he was the firstborn of his beloved wife Rachel. His brothers knew…

Do you have a Circle or a Cage?

For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing a few success principles I’ve learned from the story of Joseph. The first principle I want to highlight involves the people that surround us and the importance of discerning whether we have…

Facts are Irrelevant to God

Last time I wrote about how believing something doesn’t make it true. Now I want to extend that thought and boldly proclaim that even if something IS true, it may not be relevant. Did you know that in a court…

The Power of Expectation

Have you ever prayed and asked God for something, but because it seemed so big or so far away from where you were at the time, you really didn’t expect it could happen? I’ve definitely been there and when I…