There are many things we believed as children that we no longer believe. While we no longer believe in Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy, we hang on to other childhood beliefs that keep us small, for example: “People like me don’t pursue careers like that, we can’t travel first class to exotic places, or I’m too old to experience a fulfilling relationship.” As we mature, we need to revisit our beliefs and only hold on to the ones that align with the abundant plans God has for us—plans to give us a hope and a future!
It’s springtime and we all know what that means. It’s time for spring cleaning! As I recently cleaned out my closet, I pulled out a dress that I loved and realized it was too small for me. I had kept it from the last two purges because I really loved it and someone very special had given it to me. As I held the dress up, I realized that sadly, I’d never be able to wear it again. Not only did it no longer fit, it no longer fit my lifestyle now that I’m retired.
As I tossed the dress into the giveaway pile, I realized this is exactly what I have to do with old beliefs. For years, I denied my calling to ministry because I had been taught—and believed—that women could not minister the gospel. For years, I believed that I was too old to get married. But just because I believed it, didn’t make it true. I had to discard beliefs that were too small to make room to believe what God says about me.
I steward my beliefs and sort through them just like I sort through my closet. I ask myself, “Where did I get this belief?” Even if it was from a loved one, a church leader that I respect, or just a collective cultural belief, I ask myself, “Does this belief line up with the Word of God?” If it does not, I toss it in the pile that has to go.
Presiding Action
Is there a belief that is limiting your potential? Do you believe you will always be alone or never have enough money to travel, or do the things you desire to do? If so, I challenge you to take that belief out of your closet and examine it. Is it too small to accommodate your dreams? Where did you acquire this belief? Was it given to you by someone you love or admire? Is it just something that everyone in the neighborhood is ‘wearing’? Ask yourself, “Is this belief in alignment with the abundant life Jesus came to give me?” If not, toss it in the pile and release it!